CoDeC – The Square ft Circe!

Posted on October 21 2010

We haven’t heard from CoDeC for a while, so it was great to see this track, “The Square”, sitting in my inbox. The track features a lovely lady by the name of Circe on vocals. Circe has been doing vocals on a number of HAEZER tracks over the last while, but it’s rad to hear her taking more of a centre stage in a track. Check her out here!

CoDeC brings out a lot of beautiful bass in this one as well as some really well composed progressions. The tune is a little harder than the older CoDeC stuff but shows a direction that I really like. He does tell me that he is busy producing an 11 track album for his band called St. Savior (Facebook). St. Savior is “Sunday afternoon music” and it’s pretty nice… I will let you know more when I do on them, but for now check out the bands Facebook page.

[DL] CoDeC - The Square ft Circe


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