
Let’s keep this short and sweet. I am Freddie Whitehorn from Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa, Earth. I operate under the initials FLW which stands for Frederik Lambertus Whitehorn. Since I can recall I’ve been playing self invented games, studying the world around me, picking up the crafty bits of info and making stuff up for fun. I have been playing around on the PC since 1998. I composed my first work in 2001, I think. I became serious at around 2004 and I started uploads in 2007-8.

Most tracks are progressive in nature and usually revolves around a word or thought. To me it’s something between classical and club music. Emphasis is on quality and originality. I am working on ten albums in various stages of completion. The first album, called “album a1″, is the collection of tracks I taught myself on and is currently near completion. The last one, called “quarantine”, could provoke emotional episodes ranging from hypnosis to hysteria. Uploads are expected in due time.


FLW is a Freddie Whitehorn media project currently focusing on music via PC..  It’s made using virtual instruments, salvaged media and various electronic objects.  Tracks are carefully and independently constructed to maximise potency. Styles range from smooth flowing rhythms and long progressive fades to abrupt changes and abrasive riffs. In contrast to current trends, the dramatic content is more akin to classical music. Tracks are available for evaluation and the albums will be available as infrastructure and public response becomes available.

Catch more of Freddie on the net:

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